今天早上給川七園堆肥時,發現我討厭的小蒼蠅居然有 5-6 隻開始在堆肥處橫行。讓我想起去年 11 月的場景-大頭蠅肆虐。

去年十一月初的某天下午三點,興緻頗高的去河邊公園運動,才逛不到二十分鐘,便投降打道回府。真的令人難想像,一群蒼蠅囂張到停在臉上,我一面走路,還得揮舞雙手趕蒼蠅,腦海裡不時想起,若我像千手觀音就好了,只有雙手趕蒼蠅,手好酸哦!更可惡的是,蒼蠅還不時地 ” 親 ” 我的嘴巴,真是很髒,難受死了!某個週末到 Swan Valley 找個公園野餐,吃飯的畫面是我這輩子第一次與這麼多的蒼蠅「搶」飯吃,蒼蠅不怕人,趕不甚趕,「黏人」的程度,真是氣炸我也。今年我要記取教訓 : 出外野餐一定要在 10 月初以前完成。從來沒想到一個號稱先進文明的西方國家,居然可以容忍蒼蠅成群。澳洲人用生化科技造成蒼蠅無繁殖的能力,讓蒼蠅自生自滅。依我看來成效不大,大家看到蒼蠅只是驅趕,而非置蒼蠅於死地!如此消極的無為而治的控制程度,何時才可以還給人們一個乾淨的旅遊空間,這種景色與第三世界國家何異?

去年氣到真想寫信去給 Perth 旅遊局,要求重視此自然公害-大頭蠅,已經在危害 Perth 的信譽與形象。不過看到澳洲友人給我的 feedback 不禁啞然失笑 !

They wrote :

If you think the flies are a problem, you should have been here thirty years ago. Back then, according to Ray, you could not open your mouth outdoors. That's why Australians tend to talk without moving their lips that much, they don't want to get a mouthful of flies. Having them crawl up your nose is bad enough. Actually the government has done a lot about it. Many years ago, they introduced African Dung Beetles to bury animal droppings and spent a lot of time cleaning up around the city. This reduced the fly population dramatically. Any how stop knocking the "State Bird". Ha!

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