
ANZAC DAY,這個國定假日是屬於紐西蘭與澳洲共同的節日,這一天全國各地都會有慶祝,遊行與祭拜等不同的活動!


這個國定假日有點像是美國的戰士陣亡紀念日,台灣的軍人節吧! 在伯斯要看活動,就要到Kings Park看!

我只對ANZAC Cookie 有興趣,它吃起來像是有加椰子口味的Oat Biscuits (澳洲的叫法Biscuits 指的是餅乾,不是肯德基的比斯吉)!

這種餅乾是當初第一次世界大戰時,在NZ & AUZ的媽媽們,親手烘烤給被征召派駐海外打仗的親人吃的愛心餅乾. 這種家鄉口味的餅乾還真的被送往前線當作鼓舞士氣的加油聖品!

1kg 約澳幣 5-6元,以Action 或是Coles 超市附設的烘培區--超市無品牌做的 ANZAC Cookie--比較好吃,便宜與新鮮,大約可以存放半年左右.


ANZAC DAY的由來: The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, or Anzacs, played a significant role in the ill-conceived Gallipoli campaign against Turkey in World War One, suffering heavy casualties alongside the British. Over time the name has been applied to other Australasian soldiers or "diggers" serving in wartime, all of whom are remembered on the anniversary of the first Gallipoli landing on 25 April 1915—known as Anzac Day.

ANZAC Biscuits⁄Cookies
Marlborough Sounds Adventure Company, Picton, New Zealand

1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup dried flaked coconut
1 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
4 1⁄2 ounces melted butter
1 tablespoon golden syrup (or substitute dark corn syrup)
2 tablespoons hot water

• In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, coconut, rolled oats, baking powder and baking soda. In another bowl, mix together melted butter, golden syrup and hot water.

• Mix both sets of ingredients together (mixture will be pretty dry). Roll into balls and place onto cold greased cookie sheet, and squash with your hand or a fork.

• Bake at 350 F for 15 minutes.

(souce from food/aroundworld/newzealand/)


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